is a member of the Internet International Chamber of Commerce (IICoC)


We aren't raffling off waffles, but waffles and raffles are both awesome!
***Please note: All ages may read this blog, but you must be 18 years or older and in the United States to participate in the raffles and/or to purchase raffle tickets as the activity is considered gambling in nature. By purchasing a raffle ticket, you verify you are at least 18 years of age, and by purchasing raffle tickets, you also give The Waffle Raffle permission to post your name, email address and picture, or any combination of the 3.***

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-Help reach our goal: a brand new car!

We thought that would get your attention! Basically, we would love to have a huge prize in th future-a brand new car. We don't know what kind or what color (blue is our favorite, thought.)

It will be decided by our fans, so that's awesome. Remember, the better we do, the bigger and better the prizes are...even a car. It's realistic, and we will always keep you posted on it.

A poll will be coming soon on which car you guys would like to win. Who else is excited?